It was in October 1984 when my parents first started dating. Now, 28 years later, they are still going strong and celebrating another Valentine’s Day together. And I suppose it’s cliché to share a quote, but whether you’re single or taken, take a few minutes to think about these words today, “If it’s true that all you need is love, than I’m a rich man … I’ve loved, I’ve been loved, show me someone else with as much as me.” – Paul Brandt, Rich Man.
I hope you’re finding yourself as blessed as I am today. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

So cute, thanks for sharing! I love seeing old family wedding pics 🙂
Thanks Jess! I love old photos too … they are actually one of my favourite things to look at on other sites, so I figured others would feel the same. 🙂
True, deep, strong love can speak volumes. Your Mom and Dad certainly must have the “real” thing.
Emily, I wish you the best Valentine Day ever.
Thank you so much Phil! I hope you also had a nice one. I was lucky enough to spend the day off work, in the company of family … and chocolates. So, overall … pretty good!
Hi Emily!
I proposed to Penny on Valentine’s Day in 1966… we were married on September 24, 1966…
we have had a house filled with love for fourty seven years…. “show me someone else with as much as me”
Happy Valentine’s Day ! xo:-)
Wow Peter! That is incredible … 47 years is a milestone. I also see that you guys enjoyed a quiet night, with some wine. Sounds perfect to me!
Beautiful pictures.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Kate x
Thanks Kate! x
Lovely card. And a nice looking couple.
Awwww, this is so sweet! Congrats to them and hope you have a great Valentine’s Day! 😉
Thanks Jamie! I didn’t have a Valentine’s as good as yours looked, but I definitely spent time with the family and some treats! So, not too bad!
It is a nice love story. 🙂 Visiting today from Linkin’ w/the Ladies.
Thanks for stopping by Rosey! On my way to check out your blog! 🙂
This is such a sweet post, Emily. I love the way you did the photos. I always enjoy my visits to your blog. Keep up the great job!
What sweet pictures! I found you through the “Linkin with my ladies” hop! 🙂
Thanks for joining us this week, Terrye!
28 is a lot of Valentines in this day and age, Emily. Congratulations to your parents!
Thanks Ginnie! I agree with you … it is really a milestone, and I think they had a nice, but quiet day.
A beautiful love story:-)
“All you need is love,
all you need is love,
all you need is love, love.
Love is all you need” 🙂 (The Beatles)
A beautiful story … and a great song! 😛
I love the quote!! And the wedding photo of your parents is adorable!
Aww Stephanie … you know, they will love to hear that! Ha!
What a lovely set of images, filled with joy, love and happiness. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. I hope you’ve had a great Valentine’s Day.
What a beautiful post:)