Last night, a great Canadian passed away: Stompin’ Tom Connors. The news came during Hockey Night in Canada, and has left many Canucks with heavy hearts. Unfortunately, I never had the privilege to meet him, but his voice rang prominently in our family. I asked my mom to share some memories …
“My dad, Thomas Baker, and Stompin’ Tom Connors first became friends in 1972, after my dad did all of his record covers in copper art. Stompin’ Tom called to thank him, and that’s when a friendship started … My parents went to his wedding and were part of the audience at his famous Horseshoe Tavern performance for the filming of his movie ‘Across This Land.’ We also had the chance to visit his childhood home in Skinner’s Pond, Prince Edward Island, and met his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aylward. As kids, he had a car pick us up and take us to a recording studio to see how it was all done. He let us try singing Name the Capitals, a really fun and exciting opportunity. As a souvenir, he gave us each a signed dollar bill. He was a wonderful, kind and humble man, a true Canadian who made me proud to be a Canadian, too.”