I try not to get addicted to reality shows. Truth be told, anyone who knows me will tell you: I GET OBSESSED. So, it’s no surprise after I watched the first episode of American Idol, Season 8 … I was hooked. Kris Allen has always been my favourite Idol. There is a certain “earthly” sound and sincerity about his voice. Not to mention, his efforts around the world and his passion for his faith continues to inspire me. I’ve followed Kris’ career since I saw him back in 2009. I’m even guilty of downloading “Brand New Shoes,” his independent album, prior to Idol.
Now imagine my excitement when I heard the news Kris would be in Toronto, performing at the city’s downtown Rivoli. The Out Alive Tour featured New York’s Jillette Johnson – who, without exaggeration, has an outstanding powerhouse voice. She’s not mainstream; I’d classify her more indie, with lyrics that ring of our local Peter Katz.
When this Arkansas native finally hit the stage, he opened with “Out Alive” to a thriving Canadian crowd. Kris sang the favourites, including mine – “No Boundaries” – all while rocking our Canucks flag on his t-shirt. His attempts at pronouncing “Poutine” (with emphasis of the “poo”) were great. And I definitely swooned a bit when he cracked out his ukulele, something he says always gets the same reaction. “It’s so cute, I just wanna hug it,” he joked.

I won’t elaborate on every detail, of course. This is already bordering on my longest post ever. But I can finish up with saying, what a memorable show. I just want to thank Kris. We’re so happy you came to Toronto for your first Canadian gig! I think the feelings were mutual throughout the crowd; your show was remarkable.